maanantaina, toukokuuta 22, 2006

David Lynch puhuu meditaatiosta

Lynchin Inland Empire ilmestyy IMDb:n mukaan (jos sitä haluaa uskoa) Suomessa 29. syyskuuta, eli reilun neljän kuukauden kuluttua. Tässä pitkässä haastattelussa mies puhuu meditaatioharrastuksestaan. Ohessa lainaus, jolle naurahdin (hyvässä mielessä).

"There are so many problems like these kids that are stressed just about the time they get out of the crib. There are all these different learning disorders that I had never even heard about. There’s a whole mess going on. And what’s her name? Reese Witherspoon wins this thing…"

"…an Oscar…"

"…and wants world peace and everybody gets a big laugh. World peace. Everybody wants world peace. Nobody believes that there can be world peace. It’s a nice idea. Like a sweet little old lady idea. It’s meaningless. It’s never gonna happen. And we live in this hellhole. And we think it’s gotta be this way. And there’s a lot of suffering everywhere. And this peace isn’t a stupid thing. It’s not like a doily, it is not a doily."

Mukana myös Mulholland Drive -maininta:

"I must say for Mulholland Drive the ending, the middle, the beginning came like a string of pearls during my mediation one evening. And it solved many many problems for making an open ended TV show into a completed feature film."

Artikkelissa puhetta vähän myös Elephant Manista ja Inland Empirestä.