tiistaina, heinäkuuta 18, 2006

Joss Whedonin Equality Now -puhe

Hauskaa nähdä Meryl Streep puhumassa Joss Whedonista & esittelemässä tämän. Whedonia on aina iloa nähdä/kuulla.

Tästä kesäkuussa tehdystä haastattelusta selvisi Whedonin mielipide uudesta Galacticasta:

"I just watched the miniseries opener of “Battlestar Galactica” and I loved the toes off that bitch. I’m not positive what that phrase means. But tension, drama, humanity, and—alien spaceships. I was pretty floored."

Whedon kertoo myös Wonder Womanin edistymisestä:

"It’s kept me busy for a long time. I’m finally finishing the second draft. I’m very happy with it, but wow! Wow, this one was like pulling teeth. It’s tough. I would watch “Batman Begins” and just grumble, just bitch and moan, because he’s got everything. He’s got so much of the work done for him. He’s got the best rogues’ gallery. He’s got the best origin story. Wonder Woman is a lot more to figure out. But it’s coming together."